Loyalty Solutions
Loyalty has been disrupted.
Defection rates now exceed loyalty rates for most brands
Historical repurchase patterns no longer apply
Traditionally accurate and actionable solutions are now less reliable
Strategic Vision has a new solution for today’s reality.
Predictive Loyalty
Deep qualitative predictive loyalty behaviors.
AI-scaled modeling to large data sets.
Customer-level audiences and activation.
Quantitative actionability and messaging.
92% Accurate
Loyalty rates were far below defection rates in 2022.
Volume Brands: Defection exceeds loyalty for 13 out of 18 brands.
Luxury Brands: Defection exceeds loyalty for 12 out of 14 brands.
Historical loyalty patterns no longer apply, limiting accurate prediction and actionability.
Disruption: Inventory constraints, long order to delivery timeframes, new in-vehicle technologies driving brand switching.
Traditional quantitative customer loyalty predictions are based on past purchase history, not predictive customer behavior.
No qualitative insights to inform activation, including customer communications.
Strategic Vision’s loyalty solution is highly predictive, actionable, and fully scalable.
Deep qualitative survey data mined for highly predictive behaviors and relevant messaging (92% accurate)
AI-driven scaled modeling is applied to predictive survey data over time.
Outputs are projected via Artificial Intelligence (AI), with statistical significance for complete database appends.
Strategic Vision’s Predictive Loyalty combines the deep qualitative understanding of predictive loyalty behaviors and the quantitative actionability of large data sets.
SV’s Predictive Solution is 92% Accurate.
Strategic Vision applies machine learning algorithms to historical NVES data (2.6 million) respondents to predict future Loyalty or Defection.
Surveys are mined for predictive data using a proprietary algorithm and Artificial Intelligence
Loyalty Prediction Algorithm applied to entire NVES population.
Correlation results between predicted loyalty and actual retention are .92
Historical NVES Population of 2.6 million completed surveys
AI-enabled projections, with relevant and differentiated customer messaging, are fully scalable across an entire CRM database
A Four-Step Process
Customers in your CRM database with a 12-month Return-to-Market (RTM) time frame
Customers via SV’s custom, qualitative survey directly correlated to predicted loyalty
4 Levels: Corporate portfolio, Make, Model, or Trim series.
SV creates a custom survey for delivery to the customer email addresses in your CRM
Data leveraged to build a custom, predictive loyalty plan of action
Customers as Red (defectors), Yellow (On The Bubble), or Green (loyal)
Loyalty Algorithm Prediction Curve and AI modeling generates Predicted Loyalty or Defection scores
Additional AI modeling enables projection across all RTM customers in your CRM (quantitative)
Prescriptive Actions enable effective and differentiated messaging by customer group (qualitative)
Leverage your marketing partners to deliver and optimize relevant messaging for customers most at-risk